Light from the Sepulchre
The Authors:
Emanuela Marinelli graduated in Natural Sciences and Geological Sciences at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. She has taught in state schools. Lecturer in Italy and abroad, she has written many articles and sixteen books, on the subject of the Shroud. Her books has been translated into various languages, and among them, La Sindone, storia di un enigma (1998), La Sindone, analisi di un mistero (2009), La Sindone, testimone di una presenza (2010), Alla scoperta della Sindone (2010).
Marco Fasol graduated in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Milan and graduated in Religious Studies at the Theological College “San Pietro Martire” of Verona. He teaches history and philosophy in the secondary schools “Alle Stimate” of Verona. He is the author of several essays, including the best seller Il Codice svelato (2006), defending the historical authenticity of the Gospels, I vangeli di Giuda (2007), on the Gnostic Apocrypha, and Eros greco e amore cristiano (2011), all published by Fede & Cultura Universitas.